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Lizzie High 1995 Doll Gallery
*Limited Quantities Available
Thumbnail Picture Product No. Product Name Description Issue Dates Theme Retail Price
LH1113.jpg (52087 bytes) 1113 - PETER VALENTINE™ (Second Edition)

(First and Second 
 Editions Retired)
...loves sledding so much he waxes his sled every night ...now if it would just snow. Fall 1995 - 
Fall 1999

(1st edition issued
 Fall 1985- Fall 1991)
Boy with sled $63.95
LH1143.jpg (46958 bytes) 1143 - PAPPY PAWTUCKET™
(Second Edition)
 (First and Second 
 Editions Retired)
...works all night hiding eggs for all the little ones to find on Easter...he takes his job very seriously. Spring 1995 - 
Spring 1998

(1st edition issued
 Fall 1985- Fall 1989)
Rabbit father Easter $55.95
LH1148.jpg (50048 bytes) 1148 _ ALICE VALENTINE™ (Second Edition) 

(First and Second 
 Editions Retired)
sometimes has trouble walking her pet bunny, Francis ...the promise of a carrot always helps. Spring 1995 - 
Fall 1998

(1st edition issued
 Fall 1985- Fall 1987)
Girl with bunny $61.95
LH1180.jpg (50024 bytes) 1180 _ JILLIAN BOWMAN™     (Second Edition)

(First and Second 
 Editions Retired)
dries the herbs and spices she picks from her garden ...she makes the best herbal tea in town Fall 1995 - 
Fall 1998
(1st edition issued
 Fall 1986 - Spring 1990)
Girl with drying rack $89.95
LH1211.jpg (46910 bytes) 1211 _ SISTER CLEMMIE PAWTUCKET™ (Second Edition)

(First and Second 
 Editions Retired)
seems to do the laundry all day long ...there's always a little one underfoot. Spring 1995 - 
Spring 1998
(1st edition issued 
Spring 1987- Fall 1989)
Rabbit Washday $32.95
LH1211B.jpg (44514 bytes) 1211 b PAWTUCKET™ WASHLINE (Retired) Accessory Spring 1995- 
Spring 1998
Rabbit washline $19.95
LH1343.jpg (54305 bytes) 1343 - EDWINA HIGH™ Spends every free moment tending her vegetable garden...She shares her bounty with all her friends. . Spring 1995 Gardening $59.95
LH1344.jpg (53584 bytes) 1344 - MATTIE DUNN™ Spends every free moment tending her vegetable garden...She shares her bounty with all her friends. . Spring 1995 Gardening $59.95
.. 1347 * LYDIA BOWMAN™ (Retired) saved two months' allowance for the school's June Fete...and she spent it very wisely... Spring 1995 - 
Spring 1997
Girl with fair prizes $53.95
LH1348.jpg (46947 bytes) 1348 * ROBERT BOWMAN™ (Retired) stepped up to try his pitching skills at the June Fete...but he never got the chance. Spring 1995 -  
Spring 1997
Boy with fair prizes $63.95
LH1353.jpg (51129 bytes) 1353 - REGINA BOWMAN™
tries her best not to make her jack-o-lanterns too scary . . well maybe just a little... Fall 1995 -
  Spring 1999
Halloween $69.95
LH1354.jpg (46531 bytes) 1354 - NATHAN BOWMAN™
tries his best not to make her jack-o-lanterns too scary . . well maybe just a little... Fall 1995 -  
Spring 1999
Halloween $69.95
LH1355.jpg (47735 bytes) 1355 - LEONA HIGH™ tells fortunes for a penny...like where you'll find the best candy on the block... Fall 1995 Fortune teller $67.95
1356_SantaSt.Nicholas.jpg (27892 bytes) 1356 - Santa St.Nicholas never forgets a soul at Christmas…no matter how small ... Fall 1995 Christmas $97.95
Little Ones® for 1995
LH1345.jpg (46478 bytes) 1345 - THE LITTLE ONES™ (Light skin tone) ...love picking the first corn of the season... Spring 1995 Harvest $31.95
LH1346.jpg (46398 bytes) 1346 - THE LITTLE ONES™ (Dark skin tone) ...love picking the first corn of the season... Spring 1995 Harvest $31.95
LH1349.jpg (41008 bytes) 1349 * THE LITTLE ONES™ (Girl)
...love winning prizes at the school's June Fete... Spring 1995- 
Spring 1997
School Fair $31.95
LH1350.jpg (42066 bytes) 1350 * THE LITTLE ONES™ 
...love winning prizes at the school's June Fete... Spring 1995- 
Spring 1997
School Fair $31.95
LH1357.jpg (47291 bytes) 1357 - THE LITTLE ONES™ LITTLE MARY 
(With baby in manger)
...believe in the true meaning of Christmas... Fall 1995 Christmas $32.95
LH1358.jpg (44703 bytes) 1358 - THE LITTLE ONES™ 
...believe in the true meaning of Christmas... Fall 1995 Christmas $30.95
LH1359.jpg (48385 bytes) 1359 - THE LITTLE ONES™ 
...believe in the true meaning of Christmas... Fall 1995 Christmas $35.95
LH1360.jpg (46759 bytes) 1360 - THE LITTLE ONES™ 
...believe in the true meaning of Christmas... Fall 1995 Christmas $44.95
LH1361.jpg (43718 bytes) 1361 - THE LITTLE ONES™ CRÈCHE Accessory Fall 1995 Christmas $23.95
LH1362.jpg (38017 bytes) 1362 - THE LITTLE ONES™ DONKEY Accessory Fall 1995 Christmas $16.95
LH1363.jpg (46288 bytes) 1363 - THE LITTLE ONES™
...are known to weave a basket or two... Fall 1995 - 
Spring 2000
Basket weaver $47.95
LH1364.jpg (46481 bytes) 1364 * LITTLE SANTA™
...never forgets... Fall 1995 - 
Fall 2001
Christmas $49.95
Special Event Dolls  
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General Information: lizzie1@bellatlantic.net

Phone: 1-800-76DOLLS

The Blank Round Face With Two Dots For Eyes Is A Registered Trademark Of Ladie And Friends, Inc.

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