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the Internet home of Lizzie High Dolls



Lizzie High 2003 Doll Gallery
Thumbnail Picture Product No. Product Name Description Issue Dates Theme Retail Price
1550BriannaHigh.jpg (54493 bytes) 1550 - Brianna High knows Spring has arrived when the flowers are in full bloom…and the bunnies come to visit… Spring 2003 Springtime in the garden $86.95
1551RileyValentine.jpg (43693 bytes) 1551 - Riley Valentine cares for her puppies like a little mother…first "playtime", then "chow time", then hopefully "naptime"… Spring 2003 Girl with puppies $85.95
1552JustinValentine.jpg (41573 bytes) 1552 - Justin Valentine has proven himself to be very responsible with his puppies…first "playtime", then "chow time", then hopefully "naptime" Spring 2003 Boy with puppies $85.95
1553EmmyLouValentine.jpg (26609 bytes)   1553    - Emmy Lou Valentine
(second edition)
loves the seashore and is always the first one on the beach…land the last one to leave… Spring 2003 Girl at the beach


1554BradyValentine.jpg (29197 bytes) 1554  - Brady Valentine loves the seashore and is always the first one on the beach…and the last one to leave… Spring 2003 Boy at the beach $67.95
1555KellyAnnBowman.jpg (36414 bytes) 1555 - Kelly Ann Bowman likes crabbin’ a lot more then fishin’…cause if you’re lucky, you can catch more than one at a time…
See Fishing Pier accessory (sold separately)
Spring 2003 Girl crabbing


1556RustyBowman.jpg (49879 bytes) 1556 - Rusty Bowman likes crabbin’ a lot more then fishin’…cause if you’re lucky, you can catch more than one at a time…
See Fishing Pier accessory (sold separately)
Spring 2003 Boy crabbing


1558Pcrabbingpier.jpg (53538 bytes) 1558 P Fishing Pier Accessory to 1555 & 1556 (Sold Separately) Spring 2003 Crabbing (Pier) Call
1560TracyBowman.jpg (38379 bytes) 1560  - Tracy Bowman has been canoeing since she was a little girl ... her Father taught her to love and respect the outdoors Fall 2003 Outdoors $71.95
1561GaryBowman.jpg (33790 bytes) 1561  - Gary Bowman learned the art of flyfishing from his grandpop ... they've shared lots of fun times together over the years ... Fall 2003 Fishing $75.95
1562TCampingTent.jpg (24979 bytes) 1562 T Camping Tent - Fall 2003 Camping 13.95
1564LaurenValentine.jpg (37673 bytes) 1564 - Lauren  Valentine decided to make a friendly scarecrow that "feeds" the birds, not scare them ... she won first place for being so kind and thoughtful... Fall 2003 Autumn 85.95
1566MariahValentine.jpg (26957 bytes) 1566  - Mariah Valentine - Fall 2003 Dance 49.95
1567DerekBowman.jpg (31238 bytes) 1567 - Derek Bowman and Buck are out the door at the first sign of a snowflake ... building a snowman together has become a winter tradition Fall 2003 Winter fun  79.95
1569OldSt.Nick2003.jpg (36472 bytes) 1569 - Old St. Nick hears every wish, makes a list and checks it twice ... he never, ever forgets anyone. Fall 2003 Christmas 94.95
  Little Ones for 2003
1550aLittleOnesflowers.jpg (41510 bytes) 1550 A The Little Ones love Spring when they can fill all their baskets with flowers… Spring 2003 Enjoying Spring $39.95
1557LOgirlcrabbing.jpg (36972 bytes) 1557 - The Little Ones
love crabbin’ a lot better than fishin’… Spring 2003 Girl
1558LOboycrabbing.jpg (35770 bytes) 1558 - The Little Ones
love crabbin’ a lot better than fishin’… Spring 2003 Boy crabbing $36.95
1562ALittleOneCampingBoy.jpg (21498 bytes) 1562 - The Little Ones love camping and respect the great outdoors Fall 2003 Boy camping  $ 49.95
1562LittleOneCampingGirl.jpg (22308 bytes) 1562 A The Little Ones love camping and respect the great outdoors Fall 2003 Girl 
1563ALittleOneFishingGirl.jpg (28034 bytes) 1563 - The Little Ones learned the art of flyfishing from his grandpop ... Fall 2003 Girl Fishing  43.95
1563LittleOneFishingBoy.jpg (23517 bytes) 1563 A The Little Ones learned the art of flyfishing from his grandpop ... Fall 2003 Boy Fishing  43.95
1565LittleOneScarecrow.jpg (30382 bytes) 1565 - The Little Ones love making "bird friendly" scarecrows Fall 2003 Autumn 43.95
1568LittleOneMadison.jpg (24223 bytes) 1568  - The Little Ones

(with snowman on sled)

love "making" a new friend ... and going Christmas shopping with them ... Fall 2003 Winter 51.95

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